In any manufacturing set up the most required and used software product is CAM besides the cutting tools and coolant.
Indian market is privileged to have presence of most of the valued global brands, while Indigenous brand is yet to arrive at global level. The striking aspect of CAM software is that it gets settled in functional software category like CAE, PLM etc combined with the domain expertise the users plays a major role in getting measureable benefits.
Does the CAM software resemble to Golf? The ten point comparison below makes it evident.
Golf as a game requires specific infrastructure and is a pure play individual game. It’s been game of desire and aspiration though game requires high stamina levels. These characteristics of the game make it quiet appropriate to be compared with CAM Software.
Be it an amateur or professional golfer- one needs to be member of a club. There may be various reasons for the choice of the club like the membership fee, reputation of the club etc. Similarly, an organization buys cam software depending on their capability and club(s) standing in the market
The Club needs to have golf course which is maintained diligently since it is the golf course that decides the value for money and the market standing of the club membership. Club’s credibility gets established based on its commitment shown towards maintenance of the golf course. Nobody would enrol in a club membership just because of the building! Lush green course portrays its commitment to players and promotion of the game. Nobody joins the club which doesn’t own a course. Similarly for CAM software, vendor’s commitment to that market is decided by having its own manpower in market. CAM software vendor can’t have part time employees or consultants who are going to decide the business of its customers. The commitment level shown by permanent employee is a critical aspect for the business as it facilitates in generating and retaining the customer base. Where as a part time employees come with multiple business interests and hence would eventually turn out to be a competitor!
Every golfer life begins on the course with right gear and caddy. These two have strong influence on the golfer’s performance. But gear never takes away the capability of the player and Caddy is not a coach but an employee who is a moral support to the golfer. CAM software may have best of the features and capability to perform complex things at ease, but it needs to generate users (Caddy’s) in market. An organization needs users who are qualified and come with the required domain expertise to get the quality products into the market. Buying right gear is like choosing the right supplier to buy the software; organizations buy gear which they could afford. So choosing the right supplier become imperative to doing good business similar to how choosing the right gear instead of an affordable gear becomes important to have a good golf game.
Every golf aspirant aims to be a member of elite club because of its good will which has created a precedence of producing fine golfers. CAM software also needs to create right ecosystem which will help manufacturing organizations to produce quality products and increase the reliability on the CAM software leaving an impressive history.
Golf is game of judgement and requires player to adapt to changes with quick decision making. Player needs to walk long distances and play at difficult places of the course with ease. Both amateur and professional player prefers coaches to help sail through the game. CAM software is like a coach who guides the users and organizations to sail through business problems and bring in the desired results.
Golf is relatively an expensive game as requisites are specific. This game requires etiquettes to be followed both by an amateur and professional golfer. A CAM software needs to provide its customer high market assurance about its long term commitment to that market. CAM software also needs to follow good business etiquettes to increase reliability among the customer base!
This is one of the games wherein even spectator needs to walk along with player to enjoy the same. CAM software is also required to walk along with customer by investing in the relevant geographical locations by building eco system like competency and technology centres.
Golf competition is generally played for the lowest number of strokes by an individual, known simply as Stroke play a golfer plays his stroke with his best judgment and diverse weather conditions. CAM software gets market recognition irrespective of the market dynamics by reducing human interventions and manufacture quality product in optimum time.

Golf allows the player to enjoy the game at any age providing health benefits all along. CAM also provides the manufacturing sector with business health but giving the process owner the liberty of productive time to focus more on cost and process improvement initiatives resulting in robust system.
Last but not the least – Golf is therapeutic and a stress reliever for the player. Similarly, CAM is a business stress reliever; it takes out productivity stress from the process owner due to its high reliability in both domestic and international market. As a result, there is a boost in the productivity of the process owner’s performance as well!
By the time you complete reading this article, many organizations may be looking for club membership – which has the right caddy, right gear to make the choice of best golf course to have an enriching game!
Disclaimer: Views expressed above are the author’s own.