TRS: what is the synthetic rate of return and how to improve it?

Companies can discover the potential for optimizing their production chain thanks to key performance indices, the famous KPIs. Among these indicators, the Overall Rate of Return contributes to give a complex and general measurement of the health of the factory or the production line. Indeed, thanks to the TRS the efficiency of the system is measurable, comparable and can therefore be optimized . Discover in this article everything there is to know about the TRS and how to improve it!

Synthetic Rate of Return: what is it?

The Synthetic Efficiency Rate, also called Overall Equipment Effectiveness, is an essential indication in the industry. This key indicator makes it possible to measure the production capacity of a manufacturing company or of a particular machine and also offers ways to increase its performance. This is an important indicator for maintaining control in production. Indeed, the TRS index highlights the level of waste of resources that should be corrected. It takes into account the most common and important sources of productivity loss in production, which means that production can be continuously improved. Improving OEE can therefore be used to increase the productivity of a workshop or factory.

How is the TRS calculated?

The Synthetic Yield Rate is calculated with the following formula: TRS = actual production/theoretical maximum production In the case of a machine in operation in a factory, the actual production will represent, for example, the number of valid parts produced over a period given. The theoretical maximum production will designate the total number of pieces produced during this period. In other words, the TRS measures the downtime of a machine and all its potential causes: breakdown, adjustments to be made. The TRS is expressed with a rate between 0% and 100%, the percentage of which is proportional to the quality. OEE is the product of the three fundamental components of production performance: Quality, Performance, Availability.

  • Quality: the ratio between the number of viable parts produced and the total number of parts produced
  • Performance: the ratio between the number of parts produced and the number of parts that could theoretically have been produced
  • Availability: the ratio between the number of parts that could theoretically have been produced and the number of parts theoretically feasible

This rate thus makes it possible not only to calculate the extent of the losses, but also, depending on how it is calculated, to know their origin:

  • Poor allocation of resources, human or financial for example
  • Unexpected stops or slowdowns
  • Operating anomalies: need for frequent repairs, poor organization of supplies, etc.

TRS: solutions to improve it
The higher the TRS, the lower the losses. The solution to improve the TRS of a machine is therefore to reduce its losses as much as possible to increase its efficiency. It is obviously necessary to start by calculating the TRS in detail, by noting, either automatically or manually, all the data necessary for its calculation. Once the data has been recorded, it is then necessary to visualize them as a whole to identify the source of the losses and downtime of the production unit, the main causes of a low OEE. Several solutions exist to improve your OEE, which must of course be chosen according to the sources identified. In general, OEE improvement solutions consist of improving the management of the production unit, whether in terms of management, maintenance, order tracking or inventory management.

Use TPM to get a higher OEE
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), or total productive maintenance in French, is a Japanese method that includes various maintenance solutions. TPM aims to increase machine performance by offering a proactive approach to eliminating the six main causes of malfunction :

  • Failures
  • Settings and commissioning
  • Waits, empty runs and micro-stops
  • The loss of speed of the production line
  • Startup failures
  • Production defects and rejections

Identifying these sources of failure and eliminating them, allows a drastic reduction of unplanned downtime of the production line and consequently an improvement of the OEE.

Improving OEE using the SMED method
The Single Minute Exchange of Dies method, or rapid tool change in French, was developed with the aim of reducing the time for changeovers. This other Japanese method proposes to produce smaller batches to adapt more easily to changing customer demand. The SMED method thus makes it possible to reduce the changeover time necessary between two production periods , and therefore to reduce the downtime of the machines.

Opt for industry 4.0 to obtain a better OEE
With a market that is pushing for ever greater efficiency, the digital transition of companies is a medium-term imperative. Industry 4.0 relies on more connected machines and on automated data collection and archiving. Digitization of processes that makes OEE per machine easier to calculate . Micro-stops and breakdowns are detected and analyzed more precisely. In addition, thanks to data logging and traceability, the causes of these shutdowns are easily identified, in particular through the use of a digital twin to replay pre-failure scenarios.. It is precisely in order to improve the TRS that TopSolid’CamSimul includes a digital twin functionality, which makes it possible to reduce offline focusing. The automatic calculation of the TRS relieves the teams responsible for this task. Human interventions are kept to a minimum, reducing the risk of fraud and transcription errors. The TRS is generated automatically and can be consulted in real time by supervisors and analysts. World leader in CAD/CAM/ERP/PDM software publishing , TOPSOLID has created the Integrated Digital Factory. An integrated software suite for mechanical industries, building industries and digital engineering that marks TopSolid’s commitment to Industry 4.0. A 100% French product, TopSolid is the only solution that integrates both CAD/CAM and ERP. With a presence throughout France and a global network, choosing TopSolid is the guarantee of a close relationship coupled with nearly 40 years of expertise!

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