Seco Increases Versatility of Minimaster® Plus Replaceable Tip Milling System

Seco recently added new through-tool coolant high-feed heads to its Minimaster Plus replaceable tip milling system. The expansion further increases the versatility of this cost-effective system that already features a large selection of inserts and shanks for tackling a broad range of applications.

Intended for general machining in the aerospace, power generation, mould, automotive and medical industries, the Minimaster Plus easily cuts steel, stainless steel, cast iron, aluminium and other difficult-to-machine materials. It also makes tool-length remeasurement obsolete.

One of the system’s most notable features is its high-precision interface between the replaceable carbide insert and the steel shank. The insert has an internal thread and external taper, while the shank has an internal taper with a threaded center pin for added reliability and stability as well as a run-out of approximately 10 microns.

Additionally, an axial stop on the shank increases repeatability and productivity by allowing end users to replace an insert without having to remove the tool from machine spindles. The new insert then repositions axially within 25 microns. Plus, through these exchangeable inserts, users can reduce costs by eliminating regrinding operations.

The system’s shank comes in 24 versions with lengths that range from 55 mm to 249 mm. Inserts are available in two grades for machining all types of materials and E- and M-geometries for a smooth cutting design. Insert diameter options are 10 mm, 12 mm and 16 mm, and corner radii are available from 0.4 mm to 3.1 mm to match a variety of design requirements. Furthermore, the system’s square shoulder and ballnose inserts have through-tool coolant on all three-flute designs.

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