The HRC grippers with a sensory aura are in the top five, which are nominated for the coveted industrial prize
For the second time within only three years, SCHUNK, the competence leader for gripping systems and clamping technology has achieved a nomination for the Hermes Award, one of the world’s most coveted industrial prizes. After receiving the nomination for the award in 2015

for the SCHUNK eGRIP, a web-based three-dimensional design tool for additive manufactured gripper fingers, the innovative family-owned company from Lauffen, Germany has succeeded now in getting onto the list of top five nominees for the Hermes Award again with the SCHUNK Co-act Gripper JL1, and is thus moving into the leading group for technical innovations.
An independent jury chaired by Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster, Chairman of the Managing Board of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), ensures the recognized high standard of the competition. SCHUNK looks forward with great excitement to April 23, 2017 when the German Chancellor Angela Merkel will open the Hannover Messe, and the Federal Minister for Education, Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka will award the Hermes Award 2017. The SCHUNK Co-act Gripper JL1 is the world’s first intelligent gripping module for human/robot collaboration, which directly interacts and communicates with humans. The sensor system, which is built into the JL1, registers approaches of humans, and allows situation-dependent reactions without any contact between human and robot. As a self-learning gripping system, the HRC gripper offers optimum conditions for highly flexible handling scenarios in Industry 4.0.