sandvik updates Sandvik Coromant signs cooperation agreement with Hanna… Admin Jun 1, 2015 Sandvik Coromant and Hanna Tools are forming a global partnership to jointly strengthen…
TaeguTec updates TaeguTec extends DrillRush line by introducing a double… Admin Jun 1, 2015 TaeguTec, Asia’s metalworking giant, has extended the new DrillRush line by introducing a…
CNC Sahajanand Laser displays engineering marvels at AMTEX… Admin May 30, 2015 A series of engineering product marvels were exhibited by the Sahajanand Laser Technology…
CAD/CAM Onward Technologies display an array of products @AMTEX… Admin May 30, 2015 Onward Technologies representing Mastercam USA, NCSIMUL France and Robotmaster CANADA is…
Events Miranda Tools demonstrates revolutionary machining… Admin May 30, 2015 Gujarat-based Miranda Tools is all set to prove its mettle yet again. The leading Indian…
Events AMTEX debuts in Mumbai, explores growth opportunities Admin May 30, 2015 The Asian Machine Tools Exhibition (AMTEX-2015) is being held at the right time when the…
Today In MFG a tech efficient B2B platform for Chemicals… Admin May 28, 2015 Make way for the new player, an e-commerce market place for industrial goods…
CAD/CAM Geometric releases CAMWorks Costing Admin May 28, 2015 A new cost estimation module available with its flagship CNC programming software,…
Ace Views TK Ramesh, CEO, ACE Micromatic Group Admin May 27, 2015 Please take us through the journey of ACE Group... ACE Micromatic Group is an amalgamation…
Tool Expansion of TungdrillTwisted, the Series for Indexable… Admin May 27, 2015 Tungaloy Corporation is pleased to announce the expansion of newly designed drill bodies…