High Feed Milling Applications

TaeguTec has added the new BLMP 13 size to its Chase2Feed range of high-feed cutters. This extended range of insert and cutters can tackle machining applications of up to 2 millimeters in depth of milling during high-feed conditions.

The insert’s unique characteristics make it an excellent addition to the line which is specifically designed for heavy, die and mold, power generation and general industries milling applications.

The reinforced unique design and high rake angle offers better anti-breakage capabilities, while the reduced cutting load advantage over BLMP 12 provides for excellent chip evacuation.

Other positive attributes include its 7 mm thickness and unique pocket seat which allows for stable machining in high-feed conditions and its six cutting edges – an added benefit over the previous Chase2Feed offering that came with four cutting edges.

Overall, the Chase2Feed’s cost effective multiple cutting edges offer exceptional performance advantages in facing, shouldering, straight ramping, helical ramping and cavity machining. During product tests, the Chase2Feed BLMP 13 registered a 242 percent increase in tool life and a 578 percent increase in productivity over a leading competitor’s similar offering while machining a work piece made from tool steel!

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