Delcam offers new modules for $149 CAD CAM software

Delcam has introduced four new modules for ArtCAM Express , the company’s entry-level software for engraving, signmaking and woodworking that is priced at $149, £99 or 125 Euros. Like the ten add-on modules that were already available, these new options allow users to upgrade their capabilities to match their specific needs at a lower cost than would be required to move to the more powerful ArtCAM Insignia or ArtCAM Pro programs.

ArtCAM Express is the entry-level version in the range of artistic CAD CAM software offered by Delcam. It includes 2D drawing, over 600 free pieces of relief clipart, and 2D and standard 3D machining functions.

The first of the new options is the toolpath-panelling module that allows larger jobs to be divided into sections for machining and reassembly once cut. With the bevel-carving module, a hand-carved look with bevelled edges can be added to frames, moulds or signs. Multiple items with different text on the same underlying design can be created with the multi-plate module using data from text or CSV files. Finally, the new fluting module allows ramping moves in and out of the material to create grooves or textured surfaces. This uses the vectors together with the geometry and motion of the cutting tool.

At the same time, the existing modules for advanced 2D machining and nesting have been enhanced to allow bridges associated with a group of vectors to be amended simultaneously, while the vector-tools module has a new option whereby vector layers can be preserved when a selection of vectors are copied and pasted.

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