The MicroCeram GmbH is active in the area of injection moulding of ceramic high-speed materials and has more than 25 years of experience in the field of technical ceramics. The MicroCeram GmbH possess modern production equipment at the location in Meissen – nearby Dresden. The ceramic application oriented material research and design is part of their business activities as well as rapid prototyping, injection molding with high-pressure method for efficient high production volumes. The process chain is completed with all relevant chip-removing methods in soft and hard materials – including the future oriented ULTRASONIC technology, a technology with advantages for not only ceramics but also for all other “advanced materials” at MicroCeram.
“We are not doing, what everyone else is able to do, but we concentrate on these sectors of technical ceramics, which not everybody can handle and not everybody is willing to learn overnight,” Mathias Wilde, managing director at MicroCeram is pointing out. Wilde explains: “Our main capacities are highly complicated work pieces with special filigree and highest precision geometrical characteristics.”

In the context of the integral strategy for growth, MicroCeram more and more focuses on the future orientated ULTRASONIC technology from DMG MORI. So far, six ULTRASONIC machines had been installed in Meissen. MicroCeram is most impressed of the little process forces during hard material machining – with a high level of productivity, flexibility and process stability at the same time. All these possibilities open the market of an economical complete machining with Ultrasonic technology, which heralds a new era in flexibility and efficiency for the company. “And not only in the ceramic sector”, Mathias Wilde underlines and points out the company’s service ambitions in the sector of technical and optical glass like quartz crystal glass like zerodur or other “advanced materials”. Only to name some of the most important focus markets MicroCeram is producing units for medical technology, ceramics for watch and jewellery industry, CAD/CAM blanks in zirconium oxide for dental applications, laser and sensor parts as well as components for analysis technique.
The fact that MicroCeram with her more than 40 machines copes with all other possible machining methods, which are necessary for an overall process chain for machining technical ceramics beyond the ULTRASONIC technology, it nearly goes without saying in regards to the described claim of competence of the company.